Luck is an illusion
For minds in seclusion
Minds prepared will succeed
If not devoured by their greed
The way one toils
Determines the quality of their spoils
Luck was written to speak to the idea that no matter the circumstance, individuals have a lot of power to shape their lives. While it’s true that some are born into better circumstances than others, and for some, a lot of bad things come their way. However, at the end of the day, individuals can choose to react to what’s given to them positively or negatively. The choice, because of the circumstances given, is harder to make for some than it is for others. I deeply believe that the way in which you react to something determines your “luck”. While not everyone is going to win the lottery, individuals do have the power to choose to react in a positive way to a bad situation, which makes that situation a little less difficult to confront.