
Goodnight bright eyes, your blue has all faded
Now in dreams, you flow, struggles have abated
Lines in your face deepened with time
Hands worn and knotted, like old pine

Stronger than iron your body once was
Bones now frail, just because
Time takes all, for better or worse
Slow death is a terrible curse

Goodnight bright eyes, for now, you sleep
Silently, alone, I solemnly keep
Your memory alive, for all to know
My only hope is to see you go

To halls of our grand kin, brightly lit
Sitting by warm fires, surrounded with wit
Forebearers entwined, picked ahead
So we may know the ancient dead

Goodnight bright eyes, I shall miss you so
As long as my crimson river flows
Until the end of my days, I will remember you
And the fire in your eyes, raging, burning, blue

If chanced, and fancied so
Talk to the Maker, but bow down low
Ask his blessings, upon us all
Lest we heed the wrong road and forever fall

I wrote Lee about my grandfather, who died too young, and when I was just starting to know him. His middle name was Lee and he was a character. He spent many years in the US Navy and had stereotypical sailor tattoos on his forearms. He was a Chief Boatswain’s Mate, which means he oversaw a lot of sailors that were versed in the art of sailing. They handle things such as dropping anchor, keeping the ship decks clean, and many other activities. I think about him a lot. I have some old VHS tapes that I converted to digital files, and some of them have him speaking. It’s nice to hear his voice again.