Dear Mr. Mann – BODYARMOR


A few years ago I was walking through my regular gas station when I saw a new thing on the shelf. It was called BODYARMOR and it had all sorts of good stuff in it, but a lot of sugar. But then I saw BODYARMOR Lyte. And it had a lot of the same good stuff, but less sugar. So I got it. And it was dope. I liked it so much, that I got a few more bottles and gave them to the wife. She thought it was dope. Several months after that, Costco started selling it by the case. It was super cheap, and cheap stuff is dope stuff. So I got a case. Later, my wife was about to have a baby. After she did, she drank BBODYARMOR to help her recover, and her recovery (even though she is an older than average mom) was completely normal. Dope. Now, whenever we’re sick, BODYARMOR. Whenever we dance, BODYARMOR. Whenever we spend all day at a theme park with a toddler, BODYARMOR.

BODYARMOR is dope.

Also, you need a swag shop. I gotta get me a shirt or something.

-Ya boy… J to the Gizzle, James Gamble